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Sex Therapists Ireland

This is a listing of the COSRT Accredited Psychosexual and Relationship Therapists in Ireland.

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How Can Sex Therapy Help?

So, this brings me to how can sex therapy help? Accredited sex therapists are trained towork with any concerns or difficulties that you may have. We work with both singles orcouples.


Listed below are the COSRT Accredited Psychosexual and Relationship Therapists in Ireland.

Aine Ward

COSRT Accredited Psychosexual Therapist

Sex and Relationship Psychotherapist,
Psychosexual Therapist and Supervisor

Location: Dublin City centre. Dublin 13 and Online

Anthony Burke

COSRT Accredited Psychosexual and Relationship Therapist

Location: Online

Aoife Drury

COSRT Accredited Psychosexual Therapist

COSRT Accred. BSc, MSc, PgDip, Dip, PgCert

Location: Online

Dr Natasha Langan

Psychosexual Therapist Accredited by
The College of Sexual and Relationship Therapists -AccCOSR

Psycho-Sexologist - European Certified by the ESSM and EFS(ECPS)

Location: Online

Eithne Bacuzzi

COSRT Accredited Psychosexual Therapist

Counsellor Psychosexual therapist

Location: Sandyford, Dublin 18 and Online

Emily Power Smith

COSRT Accredited Clinical Sexologist

Accredited with Irish Association of Creative Arts Therapists

Location: Online

Fidelia Idogho

COSRT Accredited Psychosexual Therapist

Location: Online

Jo Ryder

COSRT Accredited Psychosexual and Relationship Therapist

Location: Dublin 1. Blackrock and Online

June Clyne

COSRT Accredited Psychosexual Therapist

Location: Westmeath and Online

Linsey Blair

COSRT Accredited Psychosexual Therapist

Accredited by the Irish Association for Counselling
and Psychotherapy (IACP)

Location: Galway

Margaret Dunne

COSRT Accredited Psychosexual Therapist

Psychosexual, fertility and relationship therapy

Location: South County Dublin and Online

Meg Fitzgerald

COSRT Senior Accredited Psychosexual Therapist

National Maternity Hospital and Medical Referrals Only

Location: Dublin 2 and Online

Teresa Bergin

COSRT Accredited Psychosexual Therapist

Sex Therapist, Psychotherapist & Couples Therapist

Location: Dublin 2


As COSRT Accredited Psychosexual and Relationship Therapists we each provide therapy for some or all of the following issues:


- Erectile difficulties

- Ejaculation problems such as delayed or rapid ejaculation

- Orgasm difficulties for men and women

- Ejaculation problems such as delayed or rapid ejaculation

- Painful intercourse (dyspareunia)

- Vaginismus

- Sexual Orientation

- Sex after fertility treatment

- Male and female body image

- Sex addiction

- Intimacy difficulties

- Sexual phobias or aversions

- Lack of libido

- Sexual or performance anxiety

- Sexual abuse

- Sexual functioning

- Chemsex

- Fetishes


- Parenting

- Life changes

- Money

- Work and home

- Infidelity

- Infertility

- Communication difficulties

- Sexual challenges

- Separation

- Abusive patterns


Select the navigation items to read through some informative articles.

Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) can be defined as the inability to get or sustain enough of anerection to allow penetration. Just as many people confuse erection with an interest in sex,they also confuse lack of erection with a lack of interest. Females are most likely to make this error and to personalise it.

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Spouse’s Story

The sexual consequences of cancer treatment are often under-estimated. Cancer patients have a right to enjoy a normal sexual life. When a man is diagnosed with cancer it begins a process and he may go through some or all of the following stages:

  • Initial Diagnosis
  • Surgery
  • Radiation
  • Chemotherapy
  • On-going treatment
  • Survivorship and moving on with life
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Vaginismus is the involuntary tightening of the pelvic floor muscles at the entrance to the vagina which makes penetrative sex painful and often impossible to achieve. Some women may experience primary vaginismus, in which they have never had any form of vaginal penetration, including sexual intercourse, use of tampons, gynaecological exams or smear tests

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What Brings Clients Into Sex Therapy?

At the risk of stating the obvious the answer to this is because their sexual relationship is not working. This then begs another question. Why is it not working? At this point I get curious about which is “chicken” and which is “egg” i.e., are the difficulties in the sexual relationship due to the problems with sex itself or in fact does the answer to the problem lie within the relationship e.g., how do the couple manage to resolve conflict?

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About Us

COSRT is the only professional accrediting body dedicated to Psychosexual and Relationship Therapists in the UK and Ireland. COSRT holds a register of Psychosexual and Relationship Therapists - a public record of only specialist therapists with the advanced training and skills needed to work in these fields.

The COSRT register is dedicated to specialist Psychosexual and Relationship Therapists who meet exacting quality standards. Each of us is Accredited as a Psychosexual and Relationship Therapist annually by COSRT.

As Accredited Psychosexual and Relationship Therapists, we are confirmed to have high levels of expertise and we work within stringent ethical and standards frameworks. In doing so, we have demonstrated our ability to practice as a Psychosexual or Relationship Therapists. The standards cover areas including training and qualifications, ongoing supervision and professional development. We are all obligated to uphold COSRT’s Code of Ethics and Practice, and are subject to COSRT’s Conduct Procedure.